As much as I love the sight of that beautiful cock, as much as I love seeing that beautiful cock being sucked my attention was really drawn to those heavenly balls that I want so desperately to cup in my hand or, better still, to roll around in my mouth after I have swallowed the goodness that can be had from warm cum shooting out of a happy cock for me to savor.
🥰humm c’est de cette façon que l’ont honore une queue 🍆 ou des queues 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 on y va jusqu’au bout 💦 bien vider les couilles de ce nectar épais, chaud, visqueux et épicé 💦 entendre ces gémissements et les tremblements de ces jambes lorsque le bon jus coule dans ma gorge 🥰🥹😍 que du bonheur 🥹