Damn her body is perfect. Gorgeous pussy, gorgeous tits, cute round ass, belly button piercing, pretty face, just the right about of baby fat on her tummy. YUM.
No idea how this guy can hang on for so long. I would've been on my 5th nut by now. She's amazing. My first wife was into anal big time. The main reason was that her pussy was very small, and I couldn't get more than halfway in. The second reason was that she told me her "spot" was the nerve bundle between her cervix and where the rectum turns into the colon. You'll see a lot of anal vids where the guy has to dig in at an angle (towards the right side pelvis) and aim for the appendix. Sorry if I'm too technical. These two seem very much in love, and I have never seen Mara with another guy. Check out their threesome with Luna Rival.